What is Career Cushioning? Why is Career Cushioning Popular?

3 min readMar 31, 2024
Photo by Magnet.me on Unsplash

Nowadays, the job market is always changing, and this has led to a new concept called “career cushioning” gaining significant popularity. This strategy is like having a safety net and means that you should prepare for the possibility of losing your job or having to switch careers. In this discussion, we will explore what career cushioning is, where it came from, why it’s become popular, and how you can effectively use it.

What is Career Cushioning?

Career cushioning means getting ready for any unexpected changes in your career, like losing your job, industry changes, or wanting to switch to a new career path. This includes building a strong network, learning new skills, and keeping your resume updated, among other things. This way, you’ll be able to change your career path smoothly and without any stress. It’s always good to be prepared for any uncertainty that may come your way, and by taking these steps, you can make sure you’re ready for any challenge that comes your way!

Origin of Career Cushing

The idea of career cushioning isn’t something entirely new, but it’s become more popular in recent years. People started talking about it more because of the economic uncertainties and the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s like having a backup…




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