15 Thoughts A Narcissist Keeps Hidden Before Revealing His True Self

Lap Lap
6 min readNov 24, 2021
Photo by Sammy Williams on Unsplash

Most narcissists are able to maintain the appearance of being confident, poised, and even humble. But don’t be fooled by their polished facade; narcissists come equipped with a complex system of hidden thoughts designed to keep people off their trail. They don’t let just anyone into their world, but once they do share that side of themselves with you it is often game over.

Take a peek behind the scenes for some insight into what your narcissistic partner may be thinking when he’s looking at you with love in his eyes. It might give you some answers about how to heal from narcissistic abuse.

1. They’re a Scapegoat

When a narcissist first meets you they have the overwhelming urge to place you as some kind of sacrificial lamb. By doing so, he gets to avoid being held accountable for his or her actions. But as soon as the guilt complex sets in, the object of their affection becomes some kind of scapegoat. And if they can’t find some way to blame you for it then they’ll simply move on and find someone new to blame.

2. They Can’t Afford You

Narcissists will always put themselves first and put a high value on themselves above others. So if they feel that you’re putting them in a position where they can’t afford you they’ll most likely let your relationship go.

3. They’re Not Sure Why They’re With You

Although they may not realize it, narcissists will often keep their commitment to you at arm’s length; because deep down they might not really want to be with you. You might not be the most instantly attractive or most willing to please person but sometimes there’s more to the story behind the intentions of a narcissist than meets the eye.

4. They See You as an Enemy

Narcissists are quick to point out your shortcomings and will use others around them as pawns against you. Sometimes it can feel like you’re going into battle with an entire army against you. And even if the narcissist fails to bring others onto their side, they will still see you as an enemy in the relationship.

5. They’re Not Sure Why They Love…



Lap Lap

I am a writer for one reasons. It’s what I’m meant to do with my life: create worlds, characters who breathe and live off the page with me.